'Funstorm' (After School Club) operates on Tues/Weds/Thurs from 3:15 - 5:30pm.
Our latest flyers are available to view below:
The first night of the week is Kids' Choice Club. One the first week back we enjoy a sensory/craft activity and use visual supports to vote from a choice of two activities for each week for what we want our programme to look like for the term. Children not attending the first session of the term will still get a voice. Choices include food related activities, sensory activities and outings.
The first half of the term sees Wednesdays become Cooking Club - making a variety of sweet and savoury dishes from around the world from scratch using specialised equipment for all students to be able to participate. We often see students who are sometimes reluctant to try things eating a broader range of dishes at cooking club as being involved in the process and seeing and exploring the individual ingredients helps reduce anxiety around food textures and smells.
After the half term we turn to Creative Arts Club - a mixture of themed craft nights, music and movement sessions and singing and signing.
Thursdays are designed to get your child burning off energy with the weekend looming. Students will split into departmental groups and take it in turns to access the school hydro pool for a swim one week, and a range of sports and games as well as enjoying time on the school trampoline for some rebound therapy on the other weeks.
Cost & Accessibility
Funstorm is run by Portesbery class-based staff. Our staff are trained and experienced in managing challenging behaviour and supporting those with high medical and/or physical support needs. As such, all sessions at Funstorm should be accessible to all our students. If you have any queries please contact Fiona on the phone, through the home/school diary or via email: funstorm@portesbery.surrey.sch.uk .
All sessions cost £12. In previous years some students (years R – 11) were entitled to one free session per week through pupil premium funding. Unfortunately, as of September 2022, due to a change in government guidelines as to how pupil premium funding can be used, we are no longer able to offer this option for pupil premium funded pupils.
Contact Details
Funstorm can be contacted during club hours on 01252 832109. This telephone also has an answerphone facility so messages can be left out of club hours.
During Summer Club (and on outings), we can be contacted on 07516 725426. Please note that this number is only used when we are off-site.
After School Club - Autumn 2023
Please click the links below to download information and programmes for Funstorm sessions in Autumn Term 2023.
Bookings are now completed online (all parents and carers will receive a link via Parentmail). If you have not received a link please contact the school office.
The booking period for this term will close at 3.15pm on Friday 7th July, so please ensure that you have submitted your form by then to guarantee spaces.
- General Information
- Programme - Primary/EY's
- Programme - Secondary/Post 16
Funstorm & Summer Club Evaluations
If you would like to read the results of the parent, student and staff questionnaires/evaluations of Funstorm and Summer Club please find them in the attachments below.
Funstorm/After School Club Evaluations
- Parent Questionnaire/Evaluation (2020-2021)
- Parent Questionnaire/Evaluation (2019-2020)
- Parent Questionnaire/Evaluation (2018-2019)
- Parent Questionnaire/Evaluation (2017-2018)
- Parent Questionnaire/Evaluation (2016-2017)
- Parent Questionnaire/Evaluation (2015-2016)
- Parent Questionnaire/Evaluation (2014-2015)
- Parent Questionnaires - Summer Club 2021
- Student Questionnaires - Summer Club 2021
- Staff Questionnaires - Summer Club 2021
- Parent Questionnaires - Summer Club 2020
- Student Questionnaires - Summer Club 2020
- Staff Questionnaires - Summer Club 2020
Summer Club 2019 - Evaluations
- Parent Questionnaires - Summer Club 2019
- Student Questionnaires - Summer Club 2019
- Staff Questionnaires - Summer Club 2019
Summer Club 2018 - Evaluations
- Parent Questionnaires - Summer Club 2018
- Student Questionnaires - Summer Club 2018
- Staff Questionnaires - Summer Club 2018
- Parent Questionnaires - Summer Club 2017
- Student Questionnaires - Summer Club 2017
- Staff Questionnaires - Summer Club 2017
- Parent Questionnaires - Summer Club 2016
- Student Questionnaires - Summer Club 2016
- Staff Questionnaires - Summer Club 2016
- Parent Questionniares - Summer Club 2015
- Student Questionnaires - Summer Club 2015
- Staff Questionnaires - Summer Club 2015
- Parent Questionniares - Summer Club 2014
- Student Questionnaires - Summer Club 2014
- Staff Questionnaires - Summer Club 2014